At Dimensions to Healing, we offer a holistic approach to wellness, where our therapies work in harmony with conventional medicine or independently.  

Our belief in treating the individual as a whole allows us to support and guide clients toward achieving their desired outcomes. By creating a safe and empowering environment, we enable clients to heal themselves, promoting a balanced mind, body, and spirit. 

Our diverse range of healing treatments and courses helps our clients break free from various blocks and obstacles that hinder their progress and restore their vitality and overall health.

The weight of stress and trauma can be overwhelming, and have a profound impact on our lives, leading us to dwell on past events or anxiously anticipate what lies ahead. This preoccupation with the past and future blinds us to the beauty and significance of the present moment. In this state of perpetual disconnection, we lose touch with our authentic selves and neglect our deepest desires and aspirations. Our dreams become distant and unattainable, as we fail to fully engage with the opportunities and experiences that life presents us. Consequently, life passes by unnoticed, leaving us with a sense of emptiness and regret for not appreciating the richness and beauty that surrounds us every day.

If we give our past the power to control us, it can have a detrimental effect on our present and future. it can rob us of joy, love, happiness, and enthusiasm that make life worth living. It is important to break free from its chains and embrace the present moment.
When our past experiences have been deeply distressing, it is common for us to repeatedly revisit those traumas in our thoughts. Our subconscious mind cannot distinguish between a memory and a current event, leading to the re-experiencing of past traumas. When we experience the recurrence of a traumatic event in our thoughts, our body reacts as if it is occurring in the present moment, activating the fight, flight, freeze, and fawn response.
At Dimensions to Healing, our mission is to guide individuals in confronting their past traumas and unlocking their innate healing abilities and full potential. By doing so, we empower them to find solace in their past, leading to personal transformation and the capacity to progress toward a more balanced and gratifying future.
“Re-Create Your Life… Step into a New You “

These are just some of the things that our different healing therapies allow people to break free from:


❖ Self-Harm
❖ Eating Disorders
❖ Abusive/Toxic Relationships
❖ Self Care Issues
❖ Over-Thinking / Analysing
❖ Lack of Energy/ Lethargy
❖ Block
❖ Repeated Patterns
❖ Ancestral Traumas
❖ Anxiety
❖ Depression
❖ Addictions
❖ Self-Love
❖ Self-Worth Issues
❖ Feeling Lost
❖ Lack of Direction / Purpose
❖ Control Issues

❖ Fear
❖ Limiting Beliefs
❖ Stress
❖ Procrastination
❖ Energetic Woundings
❖ Trauma from Bullying &/or Abuse
❖ Trauma
❖ Attachments
❖ Suffering
❖ Self Limitations
❖ Feeling Hopeless
❖ Disempowerment
❖ Lack of Self-Esteem
❖ Lack of Self-Belief
❖ Lack of Trust/Faith
❖ Indecisiveness
❖ Spiritual Blocks
❖ Unfulfillment